April 14th-April 16th, 2022

1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (Local Time)


(Jonah 3:5, Esther 4:16)


The Goal (2 Chron 7:14)

To rend our hearts in repentance with fasting and prayer for our nation and neighboring nations, before our God and Father.
Then the Lord will heal our land, from sickness, disease, the spirit of error, the sin of disobedience, the sin of bloodguilt, death and all.
The Lord will cleanse His Church in His precious Blood and empower His children to live by faith in His Holy Name, Jesus and nothing else.


This is a call to all who believe in Jesus the Christ of God, as the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world

— (Jn 1:29)


Our Mission

  • To encourage fellow believers and partakers of the Lord Jesus Christ, to step out in humility and faith

  • To encourage fellow believers irrespective of denomination, to cry out to the Lord on behalf of their loved ones in fasting and praying

  • To encourage the church to lead the flock of Christ to its knees before its Maker and Redeemer, across the four corners of the globe

  • Our prayer is that the Lord’s will be done on the whole earth as it is in heaven – Matt 6:10

  • Our prayer is that the Lord should send His harvesters for the lost

  • Our prayer is for the Lord to bless the hearts of the repentant with the peace of His forgiving grace

  • We pray that the Lord will mend the hearts of the broken-hearted with His unconditional love

  • And for those who mourn, we pray the Lord will fill up with His joy that strengthens

  • This is a vigil of faith and humility for ourselves and our loved ones