Call on Jesus

(Jonah 3:5, Esther 4:16)

This is a call to all who believe in Jesus the Christ of God, as the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world (Jn 1:29)


-  To humble self and cry on behalf of the nations before God – Psalm 35:13
-  Fasting and praying for all the 190+ Nations of our planet earth – Psalms 85 (Pray for your nation and your neighboring nations)
-   The Lord’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven – Matt 6:10


-   A volunteer for 15 to 20 mins prayer segments, spread throughout the time of demonstration
-   Read or sing a psalm to the Lord, as the Spirit leads in love


-  All believers, who believe God sent Jesus – Jn 3:16
- All believers irrespective of denomination – Jn 17:20-21
-  This is worth calling off your job, if you can/will – Jonah 3:7

Length of fasting and prayer:
-     3 days fast – Esther 4:16

-   April 14th ,2022; April 15th, 2022; April 16th, 2022.

Time of demonstration:

-  Time: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
(if you wish, you can stay beyond 3:00 pm but ensure to be home with your family by sunset)

Location (Isaiah 15:3):

-  Meet up at every downtown or town square or marketplace of a city, village, or town or park
-  It is acceptable to have groups all about. Avoid private property, if possible.


-   Sack clothing is encouraged
(check amazon or your local farmer)

How to fast:

-  Do without food and water - Esth 4:16

-   Do without food only - Matt 4:2

-   Have only veggies – Dan 10:3

*Fasting also involves putting away pleasures such as social media, tv shows etc. To each his own!

**If you cannot fast or follow the above biblical examples please follow your doctors’ recommendation, as you offer your heartfelt supplications unto God for your nations.