Do not be deceived, there is no revival without repentance.
The Lord God is Eternal; He is the same today, yesterday and forever – His mercy and loving kindness knows no bounds.
How foolish have we become?! How foolish is this generation?!
Men of old, across different generations understood the Way of Our God who is The Same and never changes. Job repented on behalf of His family with ashes and fasting when calamity befell him; the whole city of Nineveh repented with sackcloth, ashes and fasting when Jonah warned them of the impending wages of their sin; throughout the book of Judges, the sons of Jacob fell into captivity countless times because they chose the evil ways of their neighbors and each time, they repented and prevailed with victory; it is well-known, the story of Esther.
As Phinehas stood up and interceded in the wilderness , so it is that Believers have a responsibility to do this. You are the righteousness of God; you are a possessor of the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. It is in this Righteousness, that the early church sought the Lord in *Unity, with fasting and prayer; and the Lord empowered the church to do mighty works, signs, and wonders which we marvel at to this day.
Arise church, arise for your light has come. Return to your true love, He washes us in His blood.
Do not let yourselves be deceived. For Jonah did not finish his 3 days walk around Nineveh when they started repenting with fasting and prayers. They understood the fear of the Lord weighed more than the fear of men. Sodom and Gomorrah perished because there were not enough righteous in the land. Are there enough righteous in your land?
For by failing to act in righteousness, the people of Nineveh and of Sodom and Gomorrah may rise up against this generation in judgment.
Take heed!
Many are called, few are chosen.
May you be revived on the third day.
Peace be upon you (all), upon your families and upon all the nations of the earth.