Repent Nations | Repent Church

Turn from your own ways, walk in His Truth that you may be sanctified by faith in Him.

Repent young and old, male and female.
Repent rich and poor, repent strong and weak; repent all you nations, repent!

Church: wash your garments in His Blood, render your hearts with fasting and prayer.
Seek Him until He is found.
All you nations: turn from darkness to light; from condemnation to life.
Turn to Jesus and live. Call on Him and be saved.


Repent and stop the lies, the deceit and defrauding in both words and deed.
Repent and stop the envies, jealousies and anger, and vengeance.
Repent and forgive those who have wronged you, that you may also be forgiven.
Repent and pray for your enemies.
Repent and honor your parents.


Repent and lust not for the deceitful treasures of this world that rots and passes away;
but desire heavenly treasures that are eternal.
Repent and lust not for another man’s treasures, another’s wife.
Repent and be Holy, for He is Holy.
Repent and resist the devil and his cohorts that you may receive Power from On High to prevail and overcome.
Repent and honor Him Who sits on High.

Repent, repent!!

Repent church, repent nations for the King of Glory is near.
He is the High and Exalted One, among all nations, tribes and tongues - He is Jesus Our Salvation.
Repent and turn to Him Who is merciful and ever-full of lovingkindness and truth, that He may give you life and life more abundantly.

Let all nations repent.
Let all creation cry out to Him Who sits on the Throne and unto the Lamb.
Repent and Be Saved!!

Church, repent and Arise!!
Arise and Occupy!

Arise and chase away darkness from the land.
Arise and be the light of Christ to the nations.
Arise O Lampstand of God, let your light shine that all nations may see your good works and glorify Father through Our Lord Jesus.

Arise, Arise! Arise and occupy in the Name of Jesus, Lord Savior and Ruler over all the realms.
To the Praise and Glory of He Who sits on the Throne.

For the Lord Loves you.
He is gracious and compassionate, and His mercies and lovingkindness endure forever.
Return to His love which covers a multitude of sins.
Trust in the mercies of God.