Repent | Pray | Revive
Pray Atlanta, pray for your city.
Pray for your children, parents pray for your children, grandparents pray for your grand children, mothers pray for your children, fathers rise up in prayer and be the covering for your family; for the evil one roams about seeking souls to devour.
Awake! Awake! Refuse to be counted like sheep to be slaughtered, for the Lord Your God is Mighty to Save. He is among you, He watches over you and He will vindicate you.
Let no one deceive you; the Lord Your God sees and He hears. His redemption is near, wait for it. He will vindicate the blood of the innocent for vengeance is the Lord’s and be rest assured for it is written: “there is no peace for the wicked”.
Atlanta, trust in the Lord.
Call on the Lord, He is Mighty to Save. The Lord vindicates those who call on Him, those who trust in Him. Call on Him who established the world in righteousness and justice, for it will come; yes it will come for you and your brethren, wait for it. For it will come not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord, but you have to trust and rely on the Lord. Do not act foolishly! Wait on the Lord! Draw near to Him, that He may draw near to you; invite Him in now, invite Him in today. The Lord is near, He is closer than you know.